Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I peed my pants!

(luckily there are no pictures to accompany this post)

So, I had to fly to Chicago last week and I was running to my car from work so I could go to the airport. I was really worried I wasn't going to make it to the airport in time before I peed my pants. So I drove through the ghetto (Rosepark by the State Fair Grounds) on my way to the airport and contemplated going in to a Taco Bell to pee, but I didn't for 3 reasons: 1) it was the ghetto, 2) YUCK! and 3)Branden's Germophobia would cause him to be so disappointed in me!

So...I figured I should make it to the airport and I continued on my journey. When I got to the airport fear set in as I realized that I had to park in long-term parking and ride the shuttle to the airport before I would be able to pee. I found a parking spot after about 5 minutes of driving around the parking lot. I saw a shuttle coming so I hurried and got my bags out of the trunk. I took 2 or 3 steps toward the shuttle when I just couldn't hold it any more...and I peed in my pants right there in the parking lot! Luckily I had a skirt on....so I jsut ran behind my car and dropped my drawers for the remainder of the tweedle.

I figured that if I had to pee my pants, this was the ideal situation....it was in a remote location with no people around, I had a skirt on, and I had clean unders in my luggage. And to be honest...peeing your pants isn't as bad as I expected it to be!


  1. You're kidding, right? I thought the title was just a catchy way to get people to read. I seriously can't believe you--I think I'd risk a germ or ten next time rather than pee my skirt, haha. Your skirt didn't have a pee mark? I can't believe you're telling people either :)

  2. Teaching you the "Farmer Pee" at an early age has paid off. I will talk Nik into wearing skirts and bringing along an extra pair of underware. Thanks for the laugh.
